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You can now purchase case studies for CEUs, illustrations, and certification courses right in our web store.


Color-Coded Illustrations© Series

In an effort to improve upon the products available in the marketplace and to assist the interventional coder with this complex specialty, the principals of Medical Asset Management, Inc. concluded that one of the keys to successful training of this specialty was to add color to the illustrations that were the standard in the industry, but not just to simply colorize them-but to change the color when the vascular order changes. Medical Asset Management, created the Color-Coded by Vascular Order illustrations product and copyrighted the scheme. Since then, this highly popular color-coding tool has been a consistent, high demand product. The color-coded scheme allows the coder to visualize the branching patterns of the vascular families and assist in readily assigning the correct procedure code. The color-coding scheme has become a trademark for Medical Asset Management, Inc. since 1998. As the originators of this color-coding scheme, our laminated graphics are durable and long lasting. These graphics are affordably priced and volume discounts are honored. We consistently receive comments such as, "I don't code without these graphics - ever, "These illustrations make coding so much easier", and "I am so glad you all thought of coloring these graphics by vascular order, coding the procedures now makes sense". We will continue to work with coders and physicians to bring new products to market that will assist in coding interventional procedures. These products are copyrighted, photocopying them is prohibited.

$ 0.00 

per order


Online Course 2020

This program has prior approval of the American Academy of Professional Coders for 24.0 continuing education units (CEU). Granting of this approval in no way constitutes endorsement by the Academy of the program, content, or program sponsor. This program is approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT).

$ 0.00 

per order

Case Scenario - 1 CEU

Each case scenario is worth 1.0 continuing education unit (CEU) and is approved by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) for continuing education credits for the CIRCC credential. The maximum number of case scenarios that can be purchased (per CIRCC) is 20. Cases will be forwarded for coding. A CEU certificate will be issued when MAMI receives the codes for the case scenario.

$ 0.00 

per order

CIRCC - Interventional Coding Manual 2020

The Certification Prep Guide for CIRCC Examination is used during the one-week intensive interventional coding course. The information included in this guide will prepare you for the five-hour CIRCC exam. Use this study guide at your own pace. It includes test cases and questions, and introduces you to the CIRCC exam format.

$ 0.00 

per order

Case Scenario - 1 CEU

Each case scenario is worth 1.0 continuing education unit (CEU) and is approved by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) for continuing education credits for the CIRCC credential. The maximum number of case scenarios that can be purchased (per CIRCC) is 20. Cases will be forwarded for coding. A CEU certificate will be issued when MAMI receives the codes for the case scenario.

$ 0.00 

per order

Online Course 2020

This program has prior approval of the American Academy of Professional Coders for 24.0 continuing education units (CEU). Granting of this approval in no way constitutes endorsement by the Academy of the program, content, or program sponsor. This program is approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT).

$ 0.00 

per order

CIRCC - Interventional Coding Manual 2020

The Certification Prep Guide for CIRCC Examination is used during the one-week intensive interventional coding course. The information included in this guide will prepare you for the five-hour CIRCC exam. Use this study guide at your own pace. It includes test cases and questions, and introduces you to the CIRCC exam format.

$ 0.00 

per order

Color-Coded Illustrations© Series

In an effort to improve upon the products available in the marketplace and to assist the interventional coder with this complex specialty, the principals of Medical Asset Management, Inc. concluded that one of the keys to successful training of this specialty was to add color to the illustrations that were the standard in the industry, but not just to simply colorize them-but to change the color when the vascular order changes. Medical Asset Management, created the Color-Coded by Vascular Order illustrations product and copyrighted the scheme. Since then, this highly popular color-coding tool has been a consistent, high demand product. The color-coded scheme allows the coder to visualize the branching patterns of the vascular families and assist in readily assigning the correct procedure code. The color-coding scheme has become a trademark for Medical Asset Management, Inc. since 1998. As the originators of this color-coding scheme, our laminated graphics are durable and long lasting. These graphics are affordably priced and volume discounts are honored. We consistently receive comments such as, "I don't code without these graphics - ever, "These illustrations make coding so much easier", and "I am so glad you all thought of coloring these graphics by vascular order, coding the procedures now makes sense". We will continue to work with coders and physicians to bring new products to market that will assist in coding interventional procedures. These products are copyrighted, photocopying them is prohibited.

$ 0.00 

per order